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Buddy Scalera is a podcaster and Senior Director of Content Strategy in Global Health Science at the Medicines Company, and has been a member of the GRACE board of directors since 2011. We are thankful to Buddy for his ongoing input to GRACE, and allowing us to share this interview with GRACE founder and president Jack West, MD.
Recently Dr. Jack West made a special guest appearance on RxDM Storycast, with Buddy Scalera. In this interview on the RX Digital Marketing Podcast, Dr. West discusses GRACE and topics related to storytelling in healthcare, the role of social media in healthcare, and the ways that the pharmaceutical industry can work effectively with non-government organizations.
The full one-hour audio podcast and full transcript are available for free at the website, available here, or clicking the image below.
“I think that oncologists and physicians, in general, have become enamored of statistics and evidence-based medicine, and of course that is really, has been in many ways, a benefit in the sophisticated way we think about treating patients,” explains Dr. West in the podcast, “but lost is the fact that everybody’s brain is really equipped best to think about narratives, about stories.”
The RX Digital Marketing podcast covers a wide range of topics, including ways that patients and professionals leverage social media for support. Dr. West spoke about early social networks during his TEDx talk in 2011. Buddy Scalera and Dr. West review key points from that presentation, as well. Dr. West’s TEDx talk can be viewed here.
About Buddy Scalera Senior Director, Content Strategy Buddy is a strategic thought leader in new media technologies with 16+ years of digital content strategy experience. He has written and spoken extensively about healthcare marketing, social networks, marketing storytelling, web technologies and multimedia. He is the author of five mass market books on content, creative techniques, and process. He launched and maintained award-winning health information websites and was one of the driving forces behind placing the first pharmaceutical brand on a social network. At The Medicines Company, Buddy is the Senior Director of Content Strategy in the Global Health Sciences division. Twitter: @BuddyScalera Website: |
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Hi Stan,
It's so good to hear you and yours are doing well and that you were able to spend time with both families for Thanksgiving. I know it meant a...
Hi Stan! It is good to hear from you -- I am so very happy you are doing well. I agree with Janine that family and friends - our chosen family...