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TRANSCRIPTS - Spanish and English
Terapia de segunda línea para pacientes con cáncer pulmonar de células no pequeñas y con la cinasa de linfoma anaplásico (CLA) positiva.
Para los pacientes que progresaron a crizotinib, en este momento hay dos fármacos: ceritinib que se puede considerar si el paciente progresa con crizotinib, y hay otro fármaco llamado alectinib que es la tercera línea para pacientes que progresan en terapia dirigida para ALK.
Lo que uno tiene que saber, es que, por la resistencia adquirida a uno de estos fármacos, uno tiene que checar la biopsia porque puede ser que el paciente no responda a estas terapias y necesite quimioterapia.
Second line therapy for non-small lung cell cancer and with anaplastic lymphoma kinase (CLA) positive
For patients that progressed to crizotinib, in this moment there are two drugs available: ceritinib that can be considered if the patient progresses with crizotinib and the other drug is alectinib which is a third line treatment for patients that progressed with ALK targeted treatment.
What we have to know is that, for acquired resistance to one of these drugs, one has to check the biopsy because the patient might not respond to these therapies and might need chemotherapy.
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Hi Stan,
It's so good to hear you and yours are doing well and that you were able to spend time with both families for Thanksgiving. I know it meant a...
Hi Stan! It is good to hear from you -- I am so very happy you are doing well. I agree with Janine that family and friends - our chosen family...