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Denise Brock

Denise has over 30 years of varying experience in the healthcare arena.  In August 2009 she joined The Global Resource for Advancing Cancer Education as one of its first employees.  She has grown with the organization and now oversees the operational movement of programs, efficiency, and effectiveness within the organization, as well as the daily processes and functions.  


Lung Cancer Video Library - Spanish Language: Video #37 Basics of Lung Cancer Staging
Denise Brock

We are pleased to continue this series of informational videos for our Spanish speaking community.  GRACE is pleased to welcome Dr. Rafael Santana-Davila, Assistant Professor with the University of Washington School of Medicine and Seattle Cancer Care Alliance.  In this 37th video for the Spanish lung cancer video library, Dr. Santana-Davila joined GRACE to discuss the basics of lung cancer staging.  



Lo básico en los estadios de cancer de pulmón

Basics of lung cancer staging

 Dr. Rafael Santana-Davila

Chief of Hematology/Oncology and Medical Director, Memorial Cancer Institute,
Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, Florida International University



Lo principal que nos preguntamos nosotros cuando vemos a un paciente con cáncer es en que estadio esta, que es básicamente que tan avanzado está el cáncer. Cuando el cáncer esta solo en el pulmón, no se ha ido a ningún ganglio linfático ni a otra parte del cuerpo, le llamamos estadio uno. Cuando el cáncer ha avanzado a ganglios linfáticos cercanos pero no al mediastino es estadio dos y cuando avanza al mediastino es estadio tres. Por último cuando ha avanzado a otros órganos, a la región pleural del pulmón o a otras partes del pulmón, le llamamos estadio 4.

En cáncer de células pequeñas es relativamente fácil diagnosticar en que estadio está, ya que si está solo en un pulmón le llamamos estado limitado y cuando está en varias partes del pulmón o en el otro pulmón u otras partes del cuerpo le llamamos estadio avanzado. 




The main question to have when we see a cancer patient is in what stage he is, which is basically how advanced the cancer is. When the cancer is located just in the lung, has not affected a lymph node or any other organ is called stage one. When the disease has affected lymph nodes close to the cancer but not the mediastinum is called stage two, while the affection of the mediastinum is stage three. Finally, when the cancer has spread to other organs, the pleura of the lung or other parts of the lung is called stage four.

In small lung cancer cells is relatively easy to diagnose the stage because when it’s only present in the lung it’s the limited stage and when it is located in several parts of the lung, or in the other lung or other organs is the advanced stage.

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