Dr. Weiss's "Highlights in Lung Cancer, 2011": CT Screening & Optimal Management of Elderly Patients with Advanced NSCLC


This is the third and final part of Dr. Weiss's presentation on "Highlights in Lung Cancer, 2011".  After focusing on developments in relatively narrow subpopulations with distinct molecular markers in the first two parts of his webinar, Dr.

Surgery for Limited SCLC


Here's the podcast from a webinar I did last month with Dr. Weiss on the subject of whether patients with very limited small cell lung cancer (SCLC) should perhaps undergo surgery as a first intervention. Historically, surgery isn't considered as a typical treatment for patients with SCLC, even if it's very early stage, but some results from retrospective experiences suggest that the patients who undergo surgery in this setting do very well.

Q&A Session with Dr. Ramalingam on Personalizing Treatment Recommendations for Advanced NSCLC


The second podcast from Dr. Ramalingam's excellent webinar on Personalizing Treatment for First Line NSCLC is the question and answer session that followed it, which includes many questions about EGFR-based therapy, antiangiogenic agents, and other relevant issues for individualized treatments for patients.

Recent Webinar with Dr. Weiss on Potential Use of Post-Operative Tarceva Available


Here's a podcast from the webinar presentation earlier this month by our beloved Dr. Weiss, covering the open question of whether we should consider giving an EGFR inhibitor like Tarceva (erlotinib) as an adjuvant (post-operative) therapy following potentially curative surgery for early stage NSCLC. It's a setting in which there is a good rationale if we extrapolate from the setting of metastatic NSCLC, at least for patients with an EGFR mutation, but we've made incorrect presumptions before when we extrapolate.

Expert Case Discussion: Treating the Patient with a "Precocious Metastasis" with Curative Intent


Here is the last of three interesting cases I discussed with Drs. Alex Farivar, thoracic surgeon at Swedish Cancer Institute here in Seattle, and Anne Tsao, medical oncologist at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. This particular case is a man I saw a few years ago, with a solitary brain lesion and what otherwise appeared to be a very isolated lung cancer in the right upper lobe. His case brings up issues of the feasibility of treating someone with a solitary lesion with curative intent.

Round Table Case-Based Discussion -- Drs. Laskin and Sandler on Molecular Testing in a Never-Smoker


Here is the first podcast of what we plan will be an ongoing series of round table discussions with cancer experts about real case scenarios and how we make decisions in practice. My guests for the discussion are Drs. Janessa Laskin, medical oncologist from British Columbia Cancer Agency in Vancouver, BC, and Alan Sandler, medical oncologist and Director of Hematology/Oncology at Oregon Health & Science University in Portland.

Interview Podcast: Dr. Eric Vallières on Pre-Operative Work-Up and Surgery for Lung Cancer


I'm very happy to present an audio interview with Dr. Eric Vallières, an excellent thoracic surgeon and Surgical Director of the Lung Cancer Program at Swedish Cancer Institute. Within the lung cancer community, he actually happens to be among the most well known thoracic surgeons in the country and even world, and he has a major expertise in the integration of chemotherapy and other systemic therapies for early stage lung cancer.

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