Round Table Case-Based Discussion -- Drs. Laskin and Sandler on First Line and Maintenance Chemo


This is a continuation of the round table format, discussing real life case management with my colleagues who are lung cancer experts at other institutions, This case is the second half of discussion centered around a never-smoking Asian woman who doesn't have an EGFR mutation, and specifically the decision-making process of what first line chemotherapy-based treatment to recommend and whether to continue with maintenance therapy. My guests for the discussion are Drs.

Round Table Case-Based Discussion -- Drs. Laskin and Sandler on Molecular Testing in a Never-Smoker


Here is the first podcast of what we plan will be an ongoing series of round table discussions with cancer experts about real case scenarios and how we make decisions in practice. My guests for the discussion are Drs. Janessa Laskin, medical oncologist from British Columbia Cancer Agency in Vancouver, BC, and Alan Sandler, medical oncologist and Director of Hematology/Oncology at Oregon Health & Science University in Portland.

Evidence of the Impact of Environmental Tobacco Smoke in Never-Smokers: Correlations with EGFR Mutations


It seems obvious: environmental tobacco smoke (ETS)/passive smoke exposure from being around smokers, can be harmful and may cause cancer in never-smokers. A new paper in the Journal of Clinical Oncology by Lee and colleagues from Korea actually offers some evidence that highlights this, showing that never-smokers in Korea were less likely to have an EGFR mutation if they were exposed to ETS.

Iressa vs. Chemo in First Line Treatment of Korean Never-Smokers: The First-SIGNAL Trial


I would consider the recently published IPASS trial that compared Iressa (gefitinib) to standard chemo of carbo/taxol (paclitaxel) to be an extremely influential trial in lung cancer that has essentially ushered in a new era of molecularly-defined guidance of our treatment for many patients with advanced NSCLC, and we can expect that this is how we’ll be approaching a much broader population of lung cancer patients.

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