How do we manage a "mixed response" to lung cancer treatment?


Here's a brief video that explains my approach to a so-called "mixed response" to treatment for a lung cancer.  


There isn't a formal teaching or "best answer" about how to approach this issue, but what I explain here is a common and I think very sensible strategy for a still controversial clinical setting (if I do say so myself).  I'd welcome your comments.

I hope you find it helpful if you or someone you care about faces this situation.

Picoplatin for SCLC: Review of Data Presented at ASCO


Here is the discussion about the study of picoplatin vs. placebo for relapsed SCLC, from the post-ASCO review that I did with Dr. Pennell. Unfortunately, this work was an overall disappointment, not quite beating placebo in a setting for which we already have a more active alternative. Here's the transcript and figures from that portion of the discussion.


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