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Dr. Jack West is a medical oncologist and thoracic oncology specialist who is the Founder and previously served as President & CEO, currently a member of the Board of Directors of the Global Resource for Advancing Cancer Education (GRACE)


Top 10 Key Presentations at ASCO 2014: Join Us for Discussion at Upcoming #LCSM Chat 5/22
Howard (Jack) West, MD

Top10ListEvery year, many of the most important developments in cancer care are presented at ASCO. This year, we've got what I think is a very important year in lung cancer, with several practice-changing results/. Impressively, this is a year in which the most important trials include some focusing on first line treatment of patients with an EGFR mutation, some on acquired resistance in EGFR mutation-positive patients, some work on MET as a target, a couple on patients with squamous NSCLC or general NSCLC that includes squamous and non-squamous NSCLC, one striking finding in stage III resected NSCLC, and even a couple of most immediately practice-changing results in small cell lung cancer.

I'll clarify that, working within the limit of a top 10 list , I couldn't include some notable but negative trials, particularly those for which we've already learned of their negativity in press releases. And while immunotherapies continue to demonstrate their promise, the presentations at ASCO this year really just reinforce what we've already seen.  Because they don't break significant new ground, this isn't a year when immunotherapy trials are in the top 10 -- though I expect at leasat one or two among next year's top 10 list.

I welcome people to check out my preview of top 10 key presentations, but also to participate in a discussion about the upcoming ASCO meeting at this week's #LCSM tweet chat, which will Thursday, May 22, at 8 PM Easter, 5 PM Pacific for an hour (just add the #LCSM hashtag to your tweets and search for them, or go to to follow (and hopefully participate in) the conversation).  In that time, people can ask questions and add comments about the ones listed, as well as raise others for consideration as attention-worthy presentations you may have heard or read about. You can find the entire collection of ASCO abstracts here.

I hope you find the top 10 list provocative and interesting. As always, I welcome your questions and comments here, as well as during the upcoming #LCSM chat.



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