Anorexia in small cell lung cancer - 1254718


I have read the articles on anorexia and still need some clarification. Does an extreme loss of weight without eating barriers such as sores, etc., indicate the cancer is progressing? My husband has sclc which was diagnosed 11/11. Has had chemo, WBR and radiosurgery. He will have a chest CT tomorrow and I guess we will know then, but am soooo anxious about it today. Thank you in advance for your comments. Patty


Posts: 2753


How long has it been since your husband had WBR and his other treatments? And does he just not feel like eating, or is he losing weight despite eating? Although progressing cancer certainly could cause extreme loss of weight, some treatments can just cause a lack of interest in eating. After my wife had WBR, she became very fatigued and her appetite was greatly diminished for quite a while, but it did return. So even though your husband's doctor will be interested in any possible symptoms, hopefully the scan will show no progression and another cause for the weight loss can be identified.

My thoughts will be with you.

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Dr West
Posts: 4735

Diminished appetite and weight loss can be from many things, but yes, it's often a worrisome symptom of progression of the cancer. However, it's definitely not proof of it, and I hope his scan provides reassurance and, ideally, an explanation that is reversible.

Good luck.

-Dr. West

Posts: 14

Saddly, there is disease progression. A PET scan will be scheduled to see the extent before a treatment plan will be recommended. We are fortunate to have an excellent teaching hospital here so we are confident in his medical care. Patty