Tongue cancer recurrence probability - 1272616


What is the probability of tongue cancer to recur after 5 years? I had tongue cancer six years ago and am coming up on my 6 year anniversary of the end of treatment. I saw my dentist yesterday and he noticed a new white spot on my tongue. I had been watching, but it was not causing me any problems. I can't get into my ENT until Feb. 1st. I have called and left message with the medical assistant with no return calls. This spot coupled with lung nodules has me concerned.

With all that being said, what would be the chances of tongue cancer recurrence after 5 years free?


Posts: 2753

Hi walknlite,

The risk of recurrence decreases each year out from initial diagnosis and treatment, and at six years would be pretty low, though not impossible. One study I read gave the median time to recurrence as 14 months. Although you certainly want to follow this up, I would try not to jump to the conclusion that it is a recurrence, or that the lung nodules are related to your original cancer, especially if the symptoms you described in your previous thread have improved - that would point to something other than cancer as the cause.

Good luck with continued follow-up.

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Posts: 2753

If that is the case, then perhaps you will want to discuss with your doctor the possibility of a biopsy of the lung nodules.

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