Triple Neg Breast Cancer w/ Brain Mets, Leptomeningeal Carcinomatosis - 1274177


My mom has recently been diagnosed with "Pachymeningeal Carcinomatosis" (metastasis to the dura mater of brain) with her primary cancer being Triple Negative Breast Cancer originally diagnosed in October 2013 and thought to be in remission last June 2015. I have read the scholarly articles, case studies and previous forum posts so I know most of what is coming, but am unsure of a couple of things. Realizing that triple neg mets to brain is basically untreatable and EXTREMELY aggressive in comparison to many cancers, I am hoping for some clarification if possible.

Her dura pathology came back positive for breast cancer cells a month ago along with many CT/MRI scans with and without contrast showing multiple large tumors along the entire right hemisphere and into the left temporal and frontal lobes of dura. Metastasis to bone and liver came back negative while apron CT showed a small undetermined spot in her lung that still has yet to be confirmed and will not be confirmed because "the brain is most important to focus on".

She has opted to not to radiation and Ommaya placement did not work (basically the neurosurgeon severely messed up on 2 separate occasions..pursuing legal activity now). My question is: because cancer has come up negative in bone and liver (and possibly lung), does that give her a longer chance of survival since we caught it early as opposed to many who catch this disease in its end stages with multiple mets? I realize that a time frame cannot be given, but I am wondering if maybe more time might be allowed since it has not spread further yet.



Hi cubleyloves and welcome to Grace. I am so sorry to know your mom is in such dire straits. It's very difficult to see your mom so sick. No matter how old the child is she's still the your mother and I think we all become a little more her child when we are giving her the most care.

Unfortunately the Leptomeningeal Carcinomatosis is the predominate problem whether or not there are other metastases. It's usually very aggressive and difficult to impossible to treat effectively. Still it's no small matter she isn't having other issues at this time to make matters worse.

Hospice care if she is at home can help all involved tremendously. If you have choices check with each one till you find the best fit and the best fit of hospice workers who are directly involved with her care. It can get overwhelming to care for people with lepto at home so there may be a hospice facility available when the time comes.

Let us know if there is anything other ways we can help.
All best,

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