Hi. I have to wait for 6 weeks to rescan a 2.2 x 2.0 cm pggo found on my upper left lung
as well as two smaller .6mmX.8mm ggos.....one in lingula and one in lower left lung.
It was supposed to be 3 months, but I asked if we could do it earlier.
Do you think that this waiting time is safe? If it is not inflammatory, I want to get it out ASAP.
Short history:
I had a full CT Scan done in April 2015 which showed NO ggos. It did show mild bronchiectasis and a bit of atelectasis which was new for me. Then, an incidental finding from an abdominal CT showed a .6mm pggo in my lower right lung and after antibiotics and a 3 month wait to rescan, it disappeared. Then 639 days later.......boom....a 2.2 X 2cm ggo.
Reply # - September 3, 2017, 10:50 PM
Hi Marcy,
Hi Marcy,
Three months is usually the short end for rescanning. Anything less is usually too little time to see any changes you're watching for. So I can see if your doctors and insurance company wouldn't want to scan at 6 weeks. Normally 3 to 6 months is time to catch growth or reduction in size.
Bronchiectasis can make infections easy to grow in the lungs so it's easy to imagine ggos are inflammation or infection (they usually are). Often infections clear up on there own without us ever knowing we had them.
I hope this clears up on its own.
All best,