Author: Howard (Jack) West, MD

Drs Zofia Piotrowska, H. Jack West, and Taofeek Owonikoko sit down to discuss a series of case-based scenarios. In this video, the doctors discuss treating a patient with rapidly progressing lung adenocarcinoma and high tumor PD-L1 expression.

Author: GRACE Videos and Articles

The Global Resource for Advancing Cancer Education (GRACE), presents Molecular Diagnostic Testing and Next Generation Sequencing in Lung Cancer webinar series.

Author: Denise Brock

Become your best advocate. Knowledge is power, take charge of your path.

Author: Denise Brock

On Saturday, September 16, 2017, patients, caregivers, family members and friends joined GRACE in Cleveland at the Taussig Cancer Center for a full day of discussion on Targeted Therapies in Lung Cancer. We are thrilled that people joined us for this amazing and informative day. Huge thanks to all of the faculty who spent their Saturday in Cleveland with our community, and thanks also to those organizations who sponsored this event - Astra Zeneca, Takeda, Boehringer Ingelheim, Ignyta, Novartis...

Author: Buddy Scalera, Board Member

Buddy Scalera is a podcaster and Senior Director of Content Strategy in Global Health Science at the Medicines Company, and has been a member of the GRACE board of directors since 2011. We are thankful to Buddy for his ongoing input to GRACE, and allowing us to share this interview with GRACE founder and president Jack West, MD. Recently Dr. Jack West made a special guest appearance on RxDM Storycast, with Buddy Scalera. In this interview on the RX Digital Marketing Podcast, Dr. West discusses...