Blood Test to Define Probability of Lung Nodule Being Cancer? Could Help, but Potential to Backfire


One of the challenges of the increased frequency of chest CT scans being done for screening of people at higher risk of lung cancer, or done more commonly for chest symptoms, is that lung nodules are very commonly found, but most the time they aren't cancer.  Most studies show that >90% of lung nodules are benign, but the majority lead to additional work-up, and in nearly 100% of cases, they cause anxiety for the patient. What if a blood test could help clarify the probability that someone doesn't have a lung cancer?

Can Lung Cancer be Over-Treated? Discuss This in Our Upcoming Tweet Chat.


The concept of "over-treatment" of lung cancer may sound heretical to some here, as it is unquestionably a fearsome cancer. Nevertheless, it's important to recognize that cancers can range from quite indolent to virulently aggressive and that some forms may be so minimally threatening that treatment may be worse than the disease.

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