

Cancer Journey


Drs. Matthew Kurian, Karan Jatwani, and Karine Tawagi discuss risk factors for developing prostate cancer, PSA test in prostate cancer screening...

La Dra. Ivy Riano analiza las diversas opciones de tratamiento para pacientes con cáncer y analiza las diversas opciones de tratamiento para pacientes...

Dr. Gladys Rodriguez and Hannah Manella, RD, discuss addressing nutritional concerns of patients who are undergoing cancer care.

We are proud to present this series on Clinical Trials Experiences. This unique patient education program gives a voice to patients with experience in...

We are proud to present this series on Clinical Trials Experiences. This unique patient education program gives a voice to patients with experience in...


Tell your story and help us help others! Apply online now for this paid opportunity. This program gives a voice to those who have experience in participating in a clinical trial for a cancer diagnosis. Your voice helps to educate and advocate for others who are in or who may be considering a clinical trial. We want to hear from you!

Please note! We have extended the application deadline! Apply by July 15, 2023 to be considered! We are excited to launch our third year of this...

We are excited to launch our third year of this program; tell your story and help us help others! Apply Online Now for this paid opportunity to tell...

Formas de hacer frente a las consecuencias del cuidado de otras personas En esta sección, analizamos posibles medidas que podemos tomar para apoyarnos...

El apoyo y el cuidador Cuidando a un cuidador Cuando llegan los informes de las pruebas y la creciente expectación confirma los peores temores con un...


hello, I'm a 38-year-old man who has had chest pains for the last 2 years, but in the last year pains appeared in my left shoulder, which have...

There is not a ton of info available for Cholangiocarcinoma, so seeing information come up with new developments is always exciting. In this video...

What is the survival rate for a 50 year old man who has stage 4 rectal cancer?

I am inquiring on behalf of my sister-in-law who was diagnosed with stage three colon and rectal cancer in July 2020. She is 53 years old and a former...
Hi Please can someone help. We have just been told my brother Bill has poorly differentiated carcinoma stage 4. He is 31 years old. He has no...


Hi Peter,I'm sorry you're…
Last Comment by JanineT GRACE … on Oct 25, 2023 11:26 am
Colonoscopies use a…
Last Comment by JanineT GRACE … on Jul 24, 2023 5:18 am
Hi Lynne,
Welcome to Grace. …
Last Comment by JanineT GRACE … on Jul 24, 2023 5:18 am
Interval between PET/CT scans
Last Comment by JanineT GRACE … on Jul 24, 2023 5:18 am
Is colonscopy needed if getting PET/CT scans
Last Comment by JanineT GRACE … on Jul 24, 2023 5:18 am

Please feel free to comment or ask a question!

Welcome to the new GRACE site!

Here we hope to provide a place for our community members that go beyond lung cancer.  Our amazing faculty is building and we would like to share their knowledge with others, to provide a place for those dealing with other types of cancers. 

Share our forum with others, and please consider this a safe place to discuss and ask questions about living with cancer.  

Operations Director for GRACE. Have worked with cancerGRACE.org since July 2009.  Became involved as a caregiver to my best friend, and quickly came to see that GRACE is filling a need in the area of cancer education. 

Apply Now! Be a Part of the Patient Perspectives: Clinical Trials Storytelling Program - 2024-25


Tell your story and help us help others! Apply online now for this paid opportunity. This program gives a voice to those who have experience in participating in a clinical trial for a cancer diagnosis. Your voice helps to educate and advocate for others who are in or who may be considering a clinical trial.  We want to hear from you!

worried about lung cancer


hello, I'm a 38-year-old man who has had chest pains for the last 2 years, but in the last year pains appeared in my left shoulder, which have subsided. Now I have chest pains and I can't breathe deeply, I don't cough, I haven't lost weight in the last year I did 6 chest x-rays, scales detected pulmonary sequelae from tuberculosis that I had 15 years ago plus spirometry that detected a mild restrictive syndrome but currently I have permanent chest pains and it's like I can't breathe deeply I also did cardiological investigations that except the heart, I don't know what else to do

Cómo apoyar a tu pareja - Cuidando al cuidador - Parte 2


Formas de hacer frente a las consecuencias del cuidado de otras personas


En esta sección, analizamos posibles medidas que podemos tomar para apoyarnos en las luchas que supone ser cuidador.


Tomarse un descanso/ Encontrar el "tiempo para mí"


Cuidar de alguien parece una ocupación a tiempo completo, pero no tiene por qué serlo. Cuidar de uno mismo nos prepara para desempeñar mejor nuestro papel.

Cómo apoyar a tu pareja - Cuidando al cuidador - Parte 1


El apoyo y el cuidador


Cuidando a un cuidador

Cuando llegan los informes de las pruebas y la creciente expectación confirma los peores temores con un diagnóstico de cáncer, sin duda a quien más afecta es al individuo. Sin embargo, sus ondas son de gran alcance; lo compartimos con nuestros padres, familiares, parejas, hijos o amigos, y casi cualquier persona en la que podamos confiar en busca de apoyo. 


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