Article and Video CATEGORIES
Here's the final piece of the webinar with our own Dr. Jared Weiss on Highlights in Lung Cancer from 2011 -- the question and answer session that followed his presentation. Below is the transcript, figures, and the audio and video versions of the podcast.
Dr. Weiss Lung Cancer Highlights 2011 Q and A Transcript
Dr. Weiss Lung Cancer Highlights 2011 Q and A Session Figs
Dr. Weiss Lung Cancer Highlights 2011 Q and A Session Audio Podcast
I hope you find our program with Dr. Weiss interesting and helpful.
Next we'll be pushing out the discussion and presentations from the Santa Monica conference
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Hi Stan,
It's so good to hear you and yours are doing well and that you were able to spend time with both families for Thanksgiving. I know it meant a...
Hi Stan! It is good to hear from you -- I am so very happy you are doing well. I agree with Janine that family and friends - our chosen family...
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