

Cancer Journey


GRACE is excited to bring to you more in our new series on surviving with cancer GRACE is excited to bring to you more in our series on surviving with...

GRACE is excited to bring to you more in our series on surviving with cancer. In this new video, Raquel presents information on breathing techniques to manage anxiety and anger.

GRACE is excited to bring to you more in our series on surviving with cancer. In this new video, Raquel presents information on breathing techniques to prep for radiation and relaxation.

GRACE is excited to bring to you a new series on surviving with cancer. Our friend and partner, Raquel Jex Forsgren is the founder of Living Yoga Therapy based in Chicago, and is a certified oncology yoga therapist and resiliency coach. She brings us tips and techniques for those dealing with cancer.

Two of GRACE's earliest followers, Laya Dogmetchi and Jim Celebucki, talk about how the Global Resource for Advancing Cancer Education helps cancer...




Last Comment by Jim C GRACE Co… on Sep 17, 2018 11:53 am
Dave, I'm sorry to hear of
Last Comment by Jim C GRACE Co… on Sep 17, 2018 11:53 am
I wanted to add this series
Last Comment by Jim C GRACE Co… on Sep 17, 2018 11:53 am
Last Comment by Jim C GRACE Co… on Sep 17, 2018 11:53 am
Of course Dave, I didn't mean
Last Comment by Jim C GRACE Co… on Sep 17, 2018 11:53 am

Follicular Lymphoma Treatment Decision Making Tool

Hello Grace Members,

 We are happy to introduce a new partnership with Clinical Care Options to help people better understand treatment options for those just diagnosed with follicular lymphoma.  This is the first of several such tools.  Other cancer decision making tools CCO will produce in the coming year include decision making tools include early breast cancer and NSCLC.

I joined GRACE as a caregiver for my husband who had a Pancoast tumor, NSCLC stage III in 2009. He had curative chemo/rads then it was believed he had a recurrence in the spine/oligometastasis that was radiated. He's 10 years out from treatment.


Hii again to the new GRACE.
Please know that we are still working to make the forums better and better. Some of the top things on the list --
Forum Signatures! - We are working to give you a place to make your personal signature show in more than 255 characters or less.
Avatar - Working to give everyone the opportunity to show their personalized picture
Formatting of your text - working to make this active, show links, paragraphs, etc.

Thanks for being a part of GRACE!

Operations Director for GRACE. Have worked with cancerGRACE.org since July 2009.  Became involved as a caregiver to my best friend, and quickly came to see that GRACE is filling a need in the area of cancer education. 

regarding treatment options for moderately adenocarcinoma in lungs and metastasis in bones

Dear Team,

my mother had breast cancer 5 yrs back.compleyed surgery of breast removal and had harmone therapy for 5 yrs and recently diagnosed with metastasis in bones and adenocarcinoma in lungs

she is given biophosphonates injection for 3 days and currently undergoing radiation therapy for metastasis identified in bones region only

she completed pet ct scan, biopsy, ihc, and ct coronary angiography, chest xray.

we are trying to test EGFR, ALK, ROS1, PDL1 stating that will take 17 days to get results

Posting a new question

Hello GRACE members,

To post a new question in the forums, click on "Participate" in the menu bar near the top of the page. When the new page appears, scroll down a bit and click on "Ask a Question" in the box on the left. That will take you to the form for posting a new question.

We'll try to make that process clearer as we work through tweaking the new site.

Forum moderator

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