Lung Cancer


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We are excited to share with you more videos from a recent series of discussions between Drs. Howard (Jack) West, MD, Associate Clinical Professor...

We are excited to share with you a recent series of discussions between Drs. Howard (Jack) West, MD, Associate Clinical Professor, Medical Oncology...

We are excited to share with you a recent series of discussions between Drs. Howard (Jack) West, MD, Associate Clinical Professor, Medical Oncology...

GRACE is excited to bring to you more in our new series on surviving with cancer GRACE is excited to bring to you more in our series on surviving with...

We are excited to be able to share the following article provided by a member of the GRACE Fellows Ambassador Program, Dr. Arjun Gupta. The article...


Drs. Leora Horn, Ben Solomon, & Jack West consider the merits of administering immune checkpoint inhibitors concurrently with standard first line chemotherapy or targeted therapy vs. sequential treatment.

Dr. Jack West asks the question of whether newer, more active ALK inhibitors such as alectinib should be used as first line therapy rather than for acquired resistance, including introducing the ALEX trial that is trying to answer this question.

Drs. Ben Solomon, Leora Horn, & Jack West consider whether immunotherapy might prove to be more problematic when given to a broader population of older and frail patients with advanced lung cancer.

Drs. Leora Horn, Ben Solomon, & Jack West review the potential rationale and possible limitations of combining different immuntherapy strategies with one another.

Dr. Jack West introduces the question of whether third generation EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors osimertinib and rociletinib should be used as first line therapy rather than for acquired resistance, including discussing key clinical trials on the topic.


Well, the good news is that we are back from Israel and had a wonderful trip seeing our daughter, son-in-law, and grandson. They are such a blessing...
MARCH 28, PUT IN ON YOUR CALENDARS. I always learn so much at the live patient forums even attending them virtually. Our faculty is outstanding in...
I was recently diagnosed with cancer and my life was cut short in a second.What I've been planning all my life and how many things I haven't managed...
Hi all! I'm worried that what are these cysts on my neck? three days back I felt severe pain on my neck and felt these 2 or 3 cysts. I was wondering...
25 year old male, 8 year tobacco/marijuanna smoker, for the past couple months ive been having upper right back pain, behind my shoulder. The pain is...


Last Comment by Alex2210 on Aug 17, 2020 9:40 pm
Last Comment by JanineT GRACE … on Aug 5, 2020 10:19 pm
Last Comment by cards7up on Aug 4, 2020 5:26 am
Last Comment by JanineT GRACE … on Jul 31, 2020 12:19 pm
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