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Dr. Jed Gorden describes the details of how a thoracentesis is performed in order to clarify the diagnosis and treat symptoms of a malignant pleural effusion (MPE). Transcript With the pleural fluid that’s built up around the lung — this fluid that exist in between the linings, or as we discussed

A tunneled pleural catheter is an excellent way to manage the symptoms of a recurrent malignant pleural effusion. Dr. Jed Gorden describes how it is placed and how it works. Transcript So we’re talking today about pleural fluid — fluid that resides around the lung, in-between this space that we’re

Dr. Jed Gorden reviews the technique of pleurodesis to manage the complication of recurrent malignant pleural effusion (MPE). Transcript So we’re talking today about pleural fluid, the fluid that builds up around the lung — fluid that causes people be short of breath, often have symptoms like cough

Should older patients with lung cancer undergo surgery? What issues affect the probability of an elderly patients safely undergoing lung cancer surgery. Dr. Eric Vallières, thoracic surgeon, provides an expert perspective. Please feel free to offer comments and raise questions in our Discussion

Lung Cancer Video Library

Dr. Jared Weiss, UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, discusses smoking, asbestos, radon and other risk factors for lung cancer. Transcript I’m going to speak to you today about lung cancer risk factors. Of course we cannot ignore that smoking is the dominant risk factor for lung cancer

Dr. Jack West, medical oncologist/lung cancer specialist, describes special management considerations for indolent lung cancers that may not require treatment or are at risk for “over-treatment.”

Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma (BAC) is an unusual subtype of lung cancer; medical oncologist Dr. Jack West reviews the evidence on the best systemic therapy to treat advanced, multifocal BAC.

Lung Cancer Video Library

Dr. Jared Weiss, UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, speaks about details in the trends in lung cancer demographics and changes in histology by race and gender.

Lung Cancer Video Library

Dr. Jared Weiss, UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, discusses the genetic risk (or lack thereof) for lung cancer.

¿Cuál es el rol de Avastin (bevacizumab) en el tratamiento del cáncer de pulmón de células no pequeñas en la actualidad?

For our 4th video in the GRACE Spanish Lung Cancer Library, Antonio Calles, MD joined GRACE to discuss what the role of Avastin (bevacizumab) is in treating advanced NSCLC today.

¿Cuál es el tratamiento más apropiado para pacientes mayores con cáncer pulmonar de células no pequeñas avanzado? ¿La edad altera las recomendaciones?

For our 5th video in the GRACE Spanish Lung Cancer Library, Antonio Calles, MD joined GRACE to discuss the most appropriate treatment for elderly patients with advanced NSCLC, and whether age alters the recommendations.

¿Cuál es la terapia de mantenimiento? Y ¿Por qué se recomienda en el cáncer pulmonar de células no pequeñas en etapa avanzada?

For our 6th video in the GRACE Spanish Lung Cancer Library, Antonio Calles, MD joined GRACE to discuss what is maintenance therapy and why it would be recommended in advanced NSCLC.

¿Cuál es el mejor tratamiento para pacientes débiles con cáncer pulmonar de células no pequeñas en estado avanzado?

For our 7th video in the GRACE Spanish Lung Cancer Library, Antonio Calles, MD joined GRACE to discuss the best treatment for frail patients with advanced NSCLC.

Factores de riesgo del cáncer de pulmón

For our 8th video in the GRACE Spanish Lung Cancer Library, Brian Hunis, MD joined GRACE to discuss the risk factors for lung cancer.

Los pros y los contras de la detencion del cancer de pulmón

For our 9th video in the GRACE Spanish Lung Cancer Library, Brian Hunis, MD joined GRACE to discuss the pros and cons of lung cancer screening.